December “Get to Know a YouthBuild Participant” – Jazzlyn
Career pathway: Healthcare
Pursuing /or Received HS diploma or GED? Pursuing HS diploma
Birthday: October 12th
Favorite color: Violet
Favorite Hobbies/Interests: Singing, listening to music
Favorite Movie: the Harry Potter series
Favorite type of music: Indie
Who means the most to you in life? Family and friends
If you could have 1 superpower what would it be? Mind reading
What’s your dream vacation? “Going back to Austria.”
Why did you decide to join Youth Build? “Because it would help me earn my high school diploma and get certifications in the medical field. “
What is your motivation to complete this program? What keeps you going everyday? “Knowing I’ll get my high school diploma and be able to attend college.”
Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years? “Graduating college, getting a better/stable place to live; being able to begin my life.”
What’s your favorite Youth Build memory so far? “When every shared their background stories at mental toughness and I realized I wasn’t alone. “